KCNQ2 Connections


Gold Stars

A huge shout out to all our friends in the KCNQ2 Community for making the 2021 KCNQ2 Cure Virtual Summit such a smashing success. We are thrilled so many of you could participate live on Friday and Saturday, October 15 and 16. We’re excited to report that we had 125 people join our summit from…


Ray Of Hope

When KCNQ2 Mom Holley Moseley decided to write the story of her daughter’s harrowing odyssey from desperately ill child to cheerful teenager, she knew exactly what the title had to be. “She’s my Ray of Hope.” Ray of Hope tells the story of RayAnn Heller, a little girl born with rare genetic epilepsy KCNQ2. RayAnn…


What’s in a name? KCNQ2 Cure Alliance

2016 summit

What’s in a name? The question sometimes comes up on how you name a foundation started for a condition such as KCNQ2 Encephalopathy. Coming off our third annual Summit, I thought it was timely to reflect on our name and the meaning behind it. Read straight through, it states our mission. KCNQ2. It reflects the…



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