Support KCNQ2 Cure Alliance every time you shop on Amazon
By KCNQ2 Cure on March 6, 2017

Donating to the KCNQ2 Cure Alliance is as easy as shopping online… literally!
You can give even more when you sign up for AmazonSmile – a simple and automatic way to donate to the Foundation while you shop on Amazon. The best part? It costs nothing to you! How it works:
Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to the the KCNQ2 Cure Alliance when you sign up for AmazonSmile.
A product marked as “Eligible for AmazonSmile donation” on its detail page is qualified for your contribution to the Foundation.
On your first visit to, you can choose KCNQ2 Cure Alliance as your charity of choice when signing up. If you’ve already registered, you can change your charity to the Foundation at any time.
In order to make a donation to the Foundation, you must start your shopping experience at
You get the same low prices, selection and convenience of your typical shopping experience on Amazon, it just comes with the added benefit of helping the Foundation!
Ready to start shopping? Visit or click on the image below.